What's your time worth?
If you want accurate soil moisture, everything comes down
to installation. If installation is poor, it doesn't matter how
good the calibration is, your data will be bad. In addition,
digging trenches and reaching down boreholes to try and eliminate
air gaps take an incredible amount of a researcher's time and
effort. That's why we created the TEROS Borehole Installation
Accuracy has never been easier
The TEROS Borehole Installation Tool was specifically
engineered for faster and more accurate water content sensor
installation. Since only a small (4-inch diameter) hand-augered
hole is needed instead of a large trench, you can perform a deeper
down-hole installation (up to 1.8 meters) with little site
disturbance and far less effort. In addition, the new
TEROS Borehole Installation Tool turns a few TEROS soil moisture
sensors into the ultimate profile probe. Use it for incredibly
fast, consistent installation into undisturbed soil, at depths you
Less wiggle room for error
Water content measurement is only as good as soil to
sensor contact. The TEROS Borehole Installation Tool was engineered
to ensure accurate installation by eliminating air gaps and
preferential flow. Because it uses mechanical leverage vs. hand
application, sensors are applied straight in and perpendicular with
uniform pressure (even through hard clay soils) and then gently
released, resulting in clean, consistent installations. To reduce
error even more, we included a plate guide that allows you to set
the precise placement depth you want. With the TEROS Borehole
Installation Tool, you can not only get a greater quantity of
measurements, but also be confident that each sensor has been
installed correctly.
Smaller holes = less headaches
Like with all of our instruments, greater accuracy comes
with less effort on your part. Since the TEROS Borehole
Installation Tool can install sensors at borehole depths farther
than the arm can reach, the entire process only takes about 30
minutes (vs. the two hours it takes to dig an equally deep trench).
It's also equipped with a flashlight so you can not only see down
holes, but also make sure you get good insertions. All of which
adds up to substantial time savings and less hassle.
Smarter water content sensor installation
Intensive field installations are now a thing of the past
thanks to the TEROS Borehole Installation Tool's fast, simple, and
accurate insertion method. Custom manufactured by hand, this
ultra-rugged instrument was engineered to provide easier, faster
and better sensor installation at greater depths, making
installation something you can look forward to rather than
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advice. If you would like to receive these please subscribe

Labcell Limited
exclusively supply and support METER products in the UK &
Non UK/Ireland Customers, please contact METER Environment at:www.metergroup.com/environment/